-Chrome plated brass, paper resin, oil paint - 2016

The latin word Introrsum - designating in botany a «pistil turned inwards» - is here used for what it might refer to: intro-sum in latin, or «I’m inside».
If the mirror effect of the inside of the mask may evoke the myth of Narcissus, the impact produced here is more complex. Indeed, this mirror mask, with its concavities, distort the image of who would like to put it on.
The reflection is only faithful in the instant before the contact of the face with the mirror; after, the reflection is distorted again, since if the face might be seen in the wall mirror set in front of Introrsum, once the mask on, this face is no longer recognizable.
Therefore, «I’m inside» presents itself as a time experience: the past is deformed, the future is hidden; only the «I» present exists, in its extreme transience.