D'une impression l'autre (2681)
-Oil on wood pannel, etching, mirror - 2016

D’une Impression l’autre (2681) is a triptych made up (on the left side) of an original etching from the Austrian topograph Georg Matthaus Vischer, dating from 1709; (in the middle) of a wooden panel, whose the two sides have been oil painted, mounted to the bottom with hinges; and (on the right side) of a mirror.
The front of the central wooden panel presents itself as the reversed pictorial reproduction of the etching; while the reverse side of the panel shows an artist’s signature that, when looked in the mirror, reveals another one - much more famous.
Revolving around thematics of pretences, authenticity and relativity, D’une impression l’autre (2681) offers a reflection on the moving, organic and almost sometimes visionary position of the counterfeit in art.